Bakery Manufacturer
Industrial High Speed Door
Upgrade - Case Study

Client: Bakery manufacturer
Location: Worcestershire
Sector: Food
Products Used: 6 doors including SST and SRT

This is another new client to EFAFLEX who specilaise in bakery ingredients supplying clients around the globe. As is typical of around 60% of our projects, this client wanted to update their existing inefficient roller shutter and fabric high speed doors, for alternatives to drive improved  energy efficiency, insulation, durability and performance.

Having visited their site in Worcestershire to inspect the buildings, we suggested a combination of door solutions to match the application and needs of the customer. First off, two roll- up style SRTs were recommended based on their price performance ratio. Capable of up to 150,000 operating cycles per year, this door is ideal for heavy traffic areas, and in this installation uses remote control access. We designed in two large vision panels to the interior roll up door to help to improve the line of sight for the staff and therefore reduce the risk of accidents.

In addition, five high-speed spiral doors were specified at the exterior of the building. Opening swiftly, this high performance model reduces the ‘keep open’ time  due to its fast operating speeds, which in turn significanntly reduces energy loss and consumption.

A mix of SSTs were selected for optimised performance and their insulation poperties, while the STRs were chosen for their speed and durability.

As part of the installation, the client chose to include a selection of spare parts to be held on site, to aide service response and minimise downtime. They also took out a flexible, bespoke maintenance contract to ensure the longevity and performance of the high speed doors.

The food and beverage industry is a key industry sector for EFAFLEX, where our variety of high-speed doors have been designed to assist across facilities, both in interior and exterior locations. Our clean room doors are ideal for hygiene areas, whereas our TK100 is the perfect match for situations requiring doors to cater for ±30°C in chill to deep freeze zones.

As in all cases, the EFAFLEX high-speed doors were made to measure, bespoke to this client’s  scenario, in order to overcome site idiocyncrasies such as uneven floors and the removal of the existing units.

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