Swindon Automotive Manufacturer
Industrial Door Case Study

Location: Swindon
Sector: Manufacturing/Automotive
Products Used: SST-Basic

Problem Solved:


Who is the client?

This is a repeat customer who has purchased EFAFLEX industrial high-speed doors both in the UK and Germany many times. They are one of the leading luxury car manufacturers with a global presence, synonymous with quality, engineering, and design.

Located close to our Head Quarters in Bavaria, they are a loyal customer to EFAFLEX and therefore little surprise that they once again contacted us when they had a requirement at their Swindon facility.

What fast action industrial doors did they choose?

Our regional Business Development Manager completed a complimentary site survey in Spring 2024. The facility required 11 new industrial high-speed doors located around the exterior of the building.

The SST (Basic 265) was chosen as the ideal product solution due to its combination of energy-efficient functionality, operating speed, durability, and design aesthetics.

What benefits will this fast action door deliver?

The SST is one of our most popular product designs. It combines door opening speeds of up to 2.5 metres per second and closing at up to 1 metre per second which minimises ‘keep open’ time and reduces heating (or energy) leakage.

Capable of up to 250,000 operating cycles per year, the SST features the highest wind load capacity and top safety devices; perfect for this busy high volume traffic facility where disruption and downtimes would be costly.

What are the key benefits of this specific door?

For this project we incorporated ‘see through’ vision panels at eye level for improved visibility both sides of the door blade to improve user safety. In addition, these light enabling panels act to improve the environment, allowing daylight to flood the workspace.

Were there any specific requirements from this project?

This was an uncomplicated installation, with the EFAFLEX team working in conjunction with the client’s architect and building contractor for a smooth, seamless transaction.

We thank them for their many years of loyal custom, and look forward to returning in the near future.

Are high energy costs affecting your business?

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